
The 1st International Symposium on
Physical Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

For Poster Sessions

The poster session (poster spolight and interactive sessions) will be held on 28th January in the Vidyasirimedhi Auditorium (K Building).
Poster Spotlight Session (13:30 – 14:00)
  • You have 2 minutes to introduce the topic of your poster.
  • Please be at the session room 5 minutes before the start time. As soon as the previous session ends, introduce yourself to the session chairs, and sit in the front row. Prepare your presentation in a USB drive and upload it in your session room PC.
Poster Interactive Session (14:00 – 14:30)
  • You are responsible for printing, setting up, and taking down your poster. Organizers do NOT provide a printer; please print your own poster in advance and bring it with you. Place the poster on the panel labeled with you number (P**) during the lunch break (12:00-13:00), and remove it before you leave.
  • Posters will be displayed on poster display boards that are distributed in the poster session area.
  • The poster should follow the International Standards Organization (ISO) size A0. The dimensions for the A0 format are 84 cm x 119 cm. The orientation of the poster should be the portrait.

For Poster Session Audience

Please vote for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd best presentations by 13:00 on January 29th using the link (coming soon!).
Each participant can vote only once.
The Best Poster Awards will be announced during the Award Ceremony.

Tuesday, January 28th

Wednesday, January 29th